In cooperation with International Journal of Educational Communications and Technology (IJECT), you are invited to submit a paper (research paper, academic paper, as well as best-practice sharing) and make a presentation at the TCU International e-Learning Conference (IEC2022), hosted by Thailand Cyber University (TCU), Thailand’s Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation and Thai MOOC (one of the co-founding members of the Global MOOC and Online Education Alliance). The conference will be held on-site and online on 22nd July 2022 under the theme of Social Change and the Future of MOOCs.
At the IEC2022, there will be a dedicated section on “MOOC Paper Presentations” which aims to provide a platform for researchers and practitioners to present research findings, innovations, and discoveries in the areas related to the conference theme.
Selected papers may be published in the International Journal of Educational Communications and Technology (IJECT) in 2023, and may receive a best paper award from IEC2022. IJECT welcomes research papers, academic papers as well as practical and best practices. All accepted papers will be required to make a presentation in IEC2022.

Conference topics:
- MOOCs and impact on social change
- MOOCs and online learning in future education
- Upskill reskill workforce
- Role of MOOCs in shaping the future of higher education
- MOOCs and life-long learning from providers update 2022: platform and pedagogy
- Metaverse and immersive technology in online learning
- Quality of online and blended learning
- Post COVID education
- Other topics related to the conference theme
Please submit your full paper through the Thaijo system at the link: The full manuscript should be 5,000-8,000 words in MS Word, APA reference, and follow the article submission template ( It should be submitted by the deadline indicated below.
- Submission Due Date: June 15, 2022
- Revision Due Date: June 30, 2022
For inquiries, please contact Asst. Prof. Jira Jitsupa ([email protected]) or visit