——— Alliance’s member ———
Indonesia Cyber Education (ICE) Institute
Indonesia (Asia)
Indonesia Cyber Education Institute (ICE Institute) is an online course marketplace accredited by the Ministry of Education and Culture, Republic of Indonesia. It provides various online courses from many universities and online learning providers throughout Indonesia. The ICE Institute plays a role in increasing the expansion of access and equity in the quality of education to push the Gross HE Participation Rate (APK) to 40%. The ICE Institute also helps meet the needs of lifelong learners by providing quality learning systems and content that can be accessed anytime and anywhere. Its missions are to improve the quality of higher education in Indonesia, increase access to online learning in Indonesia, and become a global online learning marketplace.
By 2023, ICE Institute has partnered with 43 most well-known universities and educational institutions in Indonesia and abroad, among which 28 are higher education institutions. These 28 HEIs provide online courses to ICE Institute, which now have been about 600 courses (including 25 English-based ones) and are taken by more than 10.000 students across Indonesia. As such, ICE Institute has challenged the tradition of higher education to be program-based into a more flexible learning style through the offering of unbundled online courses to allow students to take any courses matching their individual and institutional needs, using various technology, within their own pace of learning, anytime, anyplace.
ICE Institute also aims to be the centre for quality assurance for online courses in Indonesia, since there is not any available at this time in Indonesia. Meanwhile, ICE Institute believes that online education will only be of high quality if the online courses offered are also high quality.


Paulina Pannen
Board member, Global MOOC and Online Education Alliance

Rahayu Dwi Riyanti
Digital Learning Officer
Executive Committee member, Global MOOC and Online Education Alliance