From April 22 to April 24, representatives from the Indonesian Cyber Education Institute (ICE-I) and ThaiMOOC visited the GMA Secretariat and XuetangX in Beijing. The ICE-I delegation included Professor Paulina Pannen, Senior Advisor to ICE-I, and Ms. Eka Julianti, Partnership and Certification Officer. The ThaiMOOC delegation included Associate Professor Thapanee Thammetar, Director of TCU, Professor Jintavee Khlaisang, Deputy Director of TCU, Associate Professor Anuchai Theeraroungchaisri, Deputy Director of TCU, and Dr. Vorasuang Duangchinda, Board member of the Thailand Cyber University Projects (TCU).

On April 23, 2024, signing ceremonies for MOOC exchanges among several GMA member institutions took place at Tsinghua University, where the GMA Secretariat is based. Agreements were signed between ThaiMOOC and XuetangX, and between ICE-I and XuetangX. XuetangX, along with 148 Chinese universities, will share 450 MOOCs with ICE-I and 600 MOOCs with ThaiMOOC in batches. The signing of these agreements marks a significant step in expanding access to high-quality online education across borders, benefiting students in Indonesia, Thailand, and China.

Following the signing ceremony, Professor Paulina Pannen and Associate Professor Thapanee Thammetar engaged in a panel discussion on international cooperation in building high-quality education resources. The discussion was moderated by Yifan (Brian) Li, Assistant Secretary-General of Global MOOC and Online Education Alliance. Guest speakers shared innovative practices and experiences from ICE-I and ThaiMOOC, contributing to collaborative efforts in facilitating the development of higher education globally.

During their stay in Beijing, the representatives participated in cooperation meetings with XuetangX, the GMA Secretariat, and representatives from various Chinese universities. They discussed a range of cooperation initiatives, including mutual credit recognition, micro-credential programs, degree programs, certificate programs, professional training, student exchange, education technology tools, artificial intelligence literacy, and other types of cooperation. The GMA Secretariat is dedicated to offering a platform for GMA member institutions to boost creativity and build broad networks with potential partners.

In the future, the GMA will continue serving as a bridge for international cooperation and dialogue, enhancing knowledge sharing within and beyond GMA members. In partnership with higher education institutions, the GMA will constantly strive to improve collaborative efforts to enhance educational resources and foster the global learning community.