GMOOC launch video transcript
PART I (François Taddei)

“So the 21st century is a very special century because today machines learn, therefore we cannot learn like we did to memorizing and computing only because that’s things that machines do much better than we do. And so it is important to learn together to meet the challenges of our times, not only the technical challenges, but also the environmental challenges and the societal challenges. The United Nations has created 17 main challenges, the Sustainability Development Goals, that we all have to face. And in order to face those challenges, we have to learn to collaborate. So it’s not enough to learn to compete with one another on yesterday knowledge, as most education systems are training us for, we have to learn to start from the problems of today and collectively build the solutions of tomorrow. And this is possible at a local scale where we can start collaborating, integrating different perspective, different disciplines to be able to do adequate solutions for local challenges. But has we have global challenges, we have to learn to collaborate at scale, on a global scale. And that means we have to use technologies. And we have today new digital tools that can enable us to learn from one another wherever we are, anytime we want. And that’s amazing. But we have to build maybe a new generation of technologies, not only a technology that passively transmits information, but technology that can help us to know what we know and discover what it is that we should know in order to progress technologies like a GPS for learning and maybe even a GPS of dreams that can tell us where we are in learning space and in dreamspace and where are the others and maybe discover that we are not alone in what we want to learn or in what we are dreaming of so that we can start collaborating together to be able to do things together that we could not do alone, like solve the problems for the planet and be able to address the Sustainable Development Goals that the United Nation has defined and has invited all of us to contribute to.“

“Our generation has the responsibility to ensure we take care of oneself, others and the planet. According to a recent UN report, the COVID-19 pandemic has “erased” or suspended progress on nearly all the Sustainable Development Goals. Global school closures have kept 90% of students globally, which is 1.57 billion youth, out of the classroom, potentially derailing their education. As schools and universities recover and revitalize education, we also have the power and responsibilities to mobilize students to work together creatively and get us back on track for the 2030 agenda. We must ensure inclusive and equitable quality education for all, and promote lifelong learning opportunities. Therefore, we invite you to challenge yourself, collaborate with others, and create a better planet for this generation and beyond. With great excitement, we invite you to join the Global Massive Open Online Challenge!”
PART III (GMOOC animation)

What is the Global Massive Open Online Challenge?
The GMOOC is initiated by the Global MOOC Alliance, but this is much more than just a MOOC! Let me share with you the What, Why, When and How of the Challenge. The “C” in Challenge is comprised of 4 Cs — competition, creativity, collaboration, courses — and they represent four different components of the GMOOC. In short, the Challenge is a global COMPETITION for students, which requires massive CREATIVITY, encourages open COLLABORATION, and offers learning through online COURSES to help address the UN Sustainable Development Goals locally.
Why should students join the Challenge?
There are over 100 reasons, let me give you three.
- One. Students will have access to free online MOOC courses on the UN Sustainable Development Goals and on leadership skills workshop.
- Two. Outstanding teams will also get additional funding and guidance to pilot their projects locally!
- Three. Did I mention that the winning teams will also receive awards and recognitions from UNESCO on the International Day of Education 2022 (January 24) too?!
When is the Challenge?
The year-long Challenge was officially launched during the #LearningPlanet Festival, co-organized by CRI and UNESCO on the International Day of Education 2021. Application to join the Challenge will be opened until May 2021.
Oh WOW, this Challenge is so COOL! So, How can I get involved?
You can visit for more information and apply now!